.Thanks to everyone who tuned in to the show on Monday night, and a BIG THANKS to everyone who called or emailed questions. Thanks also to Beth for answering the phones and to Ken for being our engineer.
Lisa and I had a blast, and I'm pretty sure that came across. Lisa did such a superb job as my Ed McMahon that I might have to hire her. Ken took that photo of us immediately after the show in the lobby.
It's blurry, but that's not Ken's fault. I've always hated the automatic flash on my camera, so I leave it on manual. You lose a little focus, but you get warm fuzzy shots like the orange-y still life on the right. Those yummy Czech beers were souvenirs from our trip to The Wisconsin Dells last month. A huge chunk of the workforce up there is from Eastern Europe. I bought those beers at a gas station. A gas station! And I had to leave dozens of others behind. For those of you who appreciate fine beer, it's the gas station at the intersection of the strip and Hwy A.
Thispicture is extra blurry because I got it in my head at the last minute to take a shot of Lisa in her radioshow headphones. Of course the red light came on just as I was taking it. D'oh. I haven't listened to the recording yet, but I'm pretty sure we opened with a sort of "Wha? We're on the air...oh!"
Speaking the recording, here's where you'll find it: http://lists.wort-fm.org/parchive
Scroll down a bit till you find the Access Hour from March 5, 2007. WORT has made the show available for listening and/or downloading. You're welcome to keep a copy for yourself and pass it along as long as you don't sell it. This recording will remain online until May 1, 2007.
Links from the show.
Preservation Answer Machine
Photo Scribe
Archival Supply Companies. These are all reputable companies. Gaylord and Light Impressions are the only two who use easy-to-spot "PAT Passed" icons in their catalogs. Hollinger and Metal Edge aren't as slick, but their prices are good. Hollinger's paper catalog contains a lovely photo essay about the history of the company. They pretty much created modern records storage containers. Now you know.
Archival Suppliers in the UK:
I don't know if they perform the Photographic Activity Test or not -- you'll have to ask.
Do you have any suggestions for UK or other European archival supply companies? The four you list may supply to Europe, but shipping and import tax will add significantly to the cost.
Apologies for leaving you out, Andrew! I'm not used to speaking to anyone outside the U.S. My bad.
I did some checking and learned that Conservation Resources has a UK manufacturing plant. The online catalog looks awfully ugly, but you can request a paper catalog if you want.
Request a catalog here:
I don't know if they perform the Photographic Activity Test or not -- you'll have to ask.
Conservation Resources does business here in the U.S., but I've never used them. They must serve institutions rather that individuals. Which would explain the clumsily designed online catalog.
Try this TinyURL for Conservation Resources UK:
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